“Aotakaze ~That hot afternoon in August,we met.~”
A Short Film by Edmund Yeo
短編監督作『金魚』(09)でヴェネチア映画祭コンペティション部門に最年少で招待されたマレーシア人監督である。翌年、『避けられないこと』(10)が釜山国際映画祭最優秀アジア短編賞を受賞し、東京国際映画祭でも上映。 早稲田大学卒業後、2014年・第27回東京国際映画祭コンペティション部門にて上映された『破裂するドリアンの河の記憶』で長編映画デビューを果たした。『アケラット-ロヒンギャの祈り』で、2017年の東京国際映画祭、最優秀監督賞を受賞。
≪あいづまちなかアートプロジェクト2019 短編映画作品≫
「青田風 ~あの八月の暑い午後、私たちは出会った~」ディレクターノート
≪ Aizu Art Project 2019 Short film ≫
“Aotakaze ~That hot afternoon in August,we met.~” Director notes
“The first time I visited Aizuwakamatsu city was March 2019. The place was snowing. I come from Malaysia, a tropical country where there’s only summer, so I am always amazed by the sight of snow, and I love to experience the changing of different seasons. It reminds me that time is constantly moving.
During my two-day visit, I felt strongly the history and tradition of Aizuwakamatsu. The beautiful urushi, where the painter paints with paintbrushes made of human hair. The delicious sake from a brewery which had been around for generations. When the world around us is changing so quickly, I feel relieved that there are some traditions that remain with us, these traditions are still protected with passion by some people. Time is always moving. But great art seems to last forever.
Finally, I walked up the stairs of the beautiful Sazaedo Temple in the morning. I was told that the people going up and the people going down will never pass by each other. I felt a little sad, as it reminded me of ‘life’. Sometimes people drift in and out of my life, friends, family and lovers. And the only way I can meet them again is in my own memories and dreams. In my dreams, there’s sometimes a woman in red.
When I returned to Aizuwakamatsu to shoot this short film, it was August 2019. A few months have passed since my first visit. Summer has arrived. I could see the blooming flowers and the majestic paddy fields, greener than emerald. A lady once told me that when she sees nice paddy fields like this, the word she think of is ‘eternity’. She wore red too.
With this short film, which I shot on my iPhone, I want to preserve and show the many things I really like about Aizuwakamatsu. It can be a love story between a man and a woman, it can also be my appreciation towards Aizu arts and craft. I hope they will last for an eternity.”